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Friday, Feb 19 2016

WATCH: South Carolina GOP Voters Speak Out (And It's Not Looking Good For The Establishment)

Feb 19, 2016

American Bridge is on the ground in South Carolina, talking to Republican voters to see how they’re feeling ahead of tomorrow’s GOP primary. Let’s just say that — as in Iowa and New Hampshire — things are not looking great for the GOP establishment. Voters are unhappy with the likes of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, but they’re even colder on the GOP establishment’s last-ditch hopes for a contested convention. As one Trump supporter put it: “I think it’d be the demise of the Republican Party.”

Here are some other highlights:

On Marco Rubio…

  • “You’ve got to go and do you job.”

  • “The robo answers…”

  • “And he just keeps repeating himself over and over again.”

On Jeb Bush…

  • “We don’t want another Bush.”

On Trump, a third-party run, and a contested convention…

  • “The GOP would sink itself if it’d do [a contested convention]…”

  • “Obviously, [a contested convention] wouldn’t be fair.”

  • “If Trump were a third-party candidate, I’d vote for him…”

  • “I would follow him into a third party and vote. I think it’d be the demise of the Republican Party.”

Published: Feb 19, 2016

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