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Ron Johnson holds up his hands during a Senate hearing

Tuesday, Oct 5 2021

WATCH: Ron Johnson’s $$$ Scandals

Oct 05, 2021

A new video from American Bridge 21st Century lays out the basics on Ron Johnson’s recent and mounting tax-related scandals.

Earlier today, Johnson told HuffPost that it’s a “hit job” to point out, as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel did last week, that he paid less than his fair share of state income tax in 2017. But that doesn’t explain how Johnson in 2017 made at least $450,000, while paying just $2,105 in state income tax — less than a jointly-filing couple that earned $40,000.

Johnson likewise still faces lingering questions ProPublica’s early-August reporting which documented how Johnson worked to shape the 2017 GOP tax law in a way that delivered hundreds of millions in tax breaks for his billionaire political backers



Published: Oct 5, 2021

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