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Wednesday, Jan 23 2019

WATCH: JUST HAPPENED: Congressman Ralph Abraham Walking In to a Fundraiser While Literally Missing Votes

Jan 23, 2019

Watch Abraham walk into a fundraiser in Lake Providence while House of Representatives is voting

Is he even pretending to do his job anymore? Right now, the House of Representatives – which far as we know Congressman Abraham is still a member of – is literally voting. What’s Congressman Ralph Abraham doing? Casting votes to help his constituents. He’s raising money for himself, of course. Abraham has now missed multiple votes to raise money for his floundering campaign for Louisiana Governor. In fact, Abraham has held a fundraiser nearly every week of the shutdown. We’re sure that’s comforting for his constituents who aren’t getting paid because of politicians like Abraham.

“How fitting for a politician who stiffed sick kids out of money he promised them to miss votes during a shutdown to raise money for himself,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “While Lyin’ Ralph Abraham clearly isn’t interested in doing his job anymore, his constituents who aren’t getting paid because of this shutdown would like to do theirs’. Ralph Abraham should go back to Washington and do his job and reopen the government.”

Published: Jan 23, 2019

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