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Wednesday, Jun 15 2016

WATCH: 12 Minutes Of Trump Insinuating The President Is A Terrorist Sympathizer

Jun 15, 2016

Two days ago, Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump implied President Obama was complicit in this past weekend’s massacre in Orlando. Angry that the Washington Post called him on it, Trump summarily banned the news organization from covering his events as credentialed media. Then yesterday, Donald Trump explicitly said that President Obama puts the interests of our enemies over those of the American people, calling the President’s integrity and loyalty into question.

This morning, Trump tripled-down on his offensive and baseless conspiracy theory, making it clear he believes that the President is a Muslim with ISIS sympathies.

None of this is anything new, though. For over a year, Donald Trump has insinuated that President Obama is a terrorist sympathizer and — for even longer — a Muslim. Here’s a 12 minute supercut of Trump’s opportunistic and un-American conspiracy-mongering and questioning of the President’s loyalty:

Published: Jun 15, 2016

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