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Wednesday, Oct 13 2021

Walker Defends “Very Offensive” Swastika

Oct 13, 2021

Just hours after his campaign defended a fundraising event host’s use of swastika iconography, Herschel Walker this afternoon announced that the fundraiser is now canceled.

This morning, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Walker was set to attend a weekend fundraising event in Parker, Texas, hosted by an individual who “has a history of controversial media posts, including what appears to be a rendering of a swastika as her Twitter profile picture.” 

In response, Walker’s campaign defended the host’s use of a swastikaarguing that it’s actually “clearly an anti-mandatory vaccination graphic.”

Within a matter of hours — and after facing backlash on social media — Walker’s campaign decided to cancel the event entirely, telling the Journal-Constitution of the very same image they’d defended just several hours earlier: “the symbol used is very offensive.”

Which raises certain questions, such as: Why did Herschel Walker defend swastika iconography that his own campaign admits is “very offensive”?

Read the coverage:

The Daily Beast: GOP Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Defends Fundraiser’s Nazi Imagery

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Walker cancels fundraiser with supporter who had swastika in her Twitter profile

Washington Post: Trump-backed Georgia Senate candidate cancels fundraiser after uproar over donor use of vaccine-needle swastika in profile

The Hill: Herschel Walker calls off fundraiser with woman who had swastika in Twitter profile

The Spun: Herschel Walker’s Political Campaign Is Trending On Wednesday

Mediaite: Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Reportedly Cancels Fundraiser With Supporter Who Had Anti-Vax Mandate Swastika Profile Picture

RawStory: Trump-backed Herschel Walker cancels fundraiser with supporter over her ‘very offensive’ swastika Twitter avatar

Daily Kos: Herschel Walker fundraiser host with a swastika on her profile pic denies being ‘Anti-Semetic’


Published: Oct 13, 2021 | Last Modified: Oct 18, 2021

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