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Wednesday, Jul 16 2014

Walker-Appointed WEDC Chief DEFENDS Giving Tax Breaks To Outsourcers

Jul 16, 2014

Wow. When it was first uncovered that Scott Walker’s WEDC was giving massive tax credits to companies that ship jobs overseas, one would’ve expected quick recourse to right this wrong. Instead, Walker’s hand-picked CEO of the economic development agency is actually defending the practice, claiming that “some companies, to be successful financially, need to outsource.” Is this really Scott Walker’s re-election argument to Wisconsin voters?

As a governor who ran on the promise of robust job creation only to see Wisconsin lag behind every other state in the Midwest, Walker shouldn’t be surprised if his constituents don’t share his administration’s enthusiasm for using their tax dollars to ship Wisconsin jobs overseas.

Check out the key paragraphs in the newest story from WKOW’s Greg Neumann below:

Outsourcing war blows up in race for Governor

On the same day Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign released an ad painting Mary Burke as millionaire who outsources jobs to China, his top economic official said some companies need to outsource jobs in order to make money.

The Governor’s ad and those comments come exactly one week after 27 News reported that two companies that received tax credits from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) outsourced jobs to other countries.

Making his first on-camera comments about that story in Beloit Wednesday morning, WEDC Chief Executive Officer Reed Hall defended the decision to continue offering financial incentives to both Eaton Corp. and Plexus Corp.

“We have to understand, we are in a global marketplace and there’s some companies to be successful financially, need to outsource,” said Hall.  “I don’t think anyone wants to do that, but its a part of what happens in the State of Wisconsin and every other state in the nation.”

Published: Jul 16, 2014

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