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Wednesday, Oct 15 2014

VIDEO: Shady Rick: What's He Hiding?

Oct 15, 2014

As Shady Rick Scott approaches his second debate today, let’s take a look at his latest fiasco.

recent lawsuit claims Scott failed to disclose more than $200 million in assets on his tax returns. TWO HUNDRED MILLION.

It’s not just a legal issue. It’s an ethical issue, one regarding transparency and conflicts of interests. Rick Scott has already proven that he’s not above making decisions as governor that would be of personal financial benefit. Just look at this headline: Gov. Scott had stake in pipeline firm whose $3 billion venture he and his appointees backed.

Rick Scott already has a long list of ethical questions on his resume, dating back to long before his time as governor, when his company committed his involvement in the largest Medicare fraud in history. Since he took the helm in Florida, there are almost too many to count — systemic fraud at the DEOusing on-duty cops as campaign propsthe cover-up of prison inmate deaths, etc. etc.

Well now we can add one more to the list: failure to disclose over $200 million in assets on his tax returns. And who knows what else Shady Rick is hiding.

Watch our new video:

Published: Oct 15, 2014

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