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Wednesday, Jun 13 2018

VIDEO: Rick Scott Wants to Turn Back the Clock on Pre-Existing Conditions Coverag

Jun 13, 2018

Governor Rick Scott just admitted he thinks returning to a time when health insurance companies could favor or discriminate against patients based on pre-existing conditions is a good idea: “We’ve got to reward people for taking care of themselves…It’s no different from what companies have done the past,” Scott said today in an interview.

Scott prefaced his remarks by saying, “If you have a pre-existing condition, you need to still be able to get healthcare.” That begs the question: should people without pre-existing conditions receive preferential treatment?

WATCH Rick Scott defend insurance company policies that discriminated against Americans:

READ the full exchange below:

Reporter: Talking about access to healthcare and medicine, have you had a little more time to reflect on the Trump administration’s decision last week not to defend the Affordable Care Act, and some of the consequences of that?

Rick Scott: I believe that if you have a pre-existing condition, you need to still be able to get health care. So that’s very important to me. I think everybody ought to be able to get health care insurance. I do believe that you’ve got to start working to fix the law. I mean that law caused our premiums to skyrocket. But I don’t believe in grand bargains. I believe in incrementally trying to make change. We’ve got to allow more competition. We’ve got to let people buy the insurance that fits for their family. And we’ve got to reward people for taking care of themselves.

Reporter: What does that mean, like rewarding for people for caring for themselves? Does that mean eliminating community rating and charging more for people who are obese?

Rick Scott: I think it’s no different from what companies have done in the past. They have smoking cessation programs and things like that.

WATCH the full clip here.

Published: Jun 13, 2018

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