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Tuesday, Mar 3 2015

VIDEO: Jeb Bush: CPAC's Persona Non Grata

Mar 03, 2015

CPAC 2015. Thousands of attendees, hundreds of speakers and panelists, and upwards of a dozen GOP presidential hopefuls. And yet, a singular, overwhelming theme from the Conservative confab — unmistakable rancor for former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. All three days of the conference found Conservatives landing jab after jab on Jeb, from Laura Ingraham to Chris Christie to Donald Trump. The criticism for Bush’s positions on hot-button Conservative issues rang out loud and clear from National Harbor, perhaps only dwarfed by the resounding boos that emanated from the ballroom multiple times after Bush was name checked on the main stage. You couldn’t turn around at CPAC without bumping into a Conservative who wanted to air their grievances against Governor Bush and his prospective presidential candidacy. In fact, that’s exactly what happened to American Bridge.

Check out what Conservatives had to say about Jeb Bush at CPAC, and see for yourself how he was truly CPAC’s persona non grata.

Published: Mar 3, 2015

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