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Friday, Jul 7 2017

The Verdict’s In: The GOP Senate Recruitment Problem is a Crisis

Jul 07, 2017

After months of mounting negative press on their feeble recruitment efforts, it’s clear the GOP can’t convince the Senate candidates they want to run in 2018. This week alone, Politico, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal all reported on the Republicans’ struggles to find qualified candidates.

Now, Politico reports that in 7 of the top 8 contests next year, Republicans have failed to recruit the quality candidate they wanted, or face potentially messy primaries.

“It’s not surprising Republicans can’t get the candidates they want to run for Senate—Americans know they are trying to rip away health care from 22 million people and raise the cost of care on even more, and that they are led by an unpopular, chaotic President,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

“Republicans are in for a year of messy primaries between B-list candidates, and no matter who comes out on top, voters will hold them accountable for their party’s dangerous and heartless agenda that only hurts middle class families.”

More on the Senate GOP’s recruitment failures…

Politico: Senate GOP recruiting slow-going for 2018; Democrats say Republicans are afraid of a political environment poisoned by an unpredictable president and a widely disliked GOP health care plan.

Wall Street Journal: GOP Scrambles to Recruit Senate Candidates

Washington Post: Do Senate Republicans have a Trump recruiting problem? (Part 2)

Associated Press: Senate GOP struggles to find challengers for some Democrats

Real Clear Politics: Slow Pace of 2018 Senate Bids a Growing GOP Concern

Washington Post: Do Senate Republicans have a Trump recruiting problem?

Published: Jul 7, 2017

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