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Friday, Oct 21 2011

USA Today: Sen. Rubio steps up defense of family story

Oct 21, 2011

On October 21, 2011, USA Today reported:

“Sen. Marco Rubio stepped up his fight against a Washington Post story about his family’s departure from Cuba, saying he is the “son of exiles” and that his family story “needs no embellishing.”


Rubio is a Tea Party favorite frequently mentioned as a future presidential or vice presidential candidate. His official Senate website said he was born in Miami to “Cuban-born parents who came to America following Fidel Castro’s takeover.”

The Post reviewed naturalization papers and other documents for its story, noting Rubio’s family narrative “has been at the core of the young senator’s political identity.”


Democrats have been seizing on the Post story to criticize Rubio.

American Bridge 21st Century, a group aimed at electing Democrats, sent reporters a video of Rubio’s past comments about his family’s story along with a list of quotes in which he has described his parents coming to the U.S. after Castro gained power.

Read more from USA Today.

Published: Oct 21, 2011

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