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Thursday, Oct 12 2023

Unhinged: Trump Praises Terrorist Group Hezbollah as ‘Smart’

Oct 12, 2023

Last night, as rockets and bullets continued to threaten innocent lives in the Middle East, Republican frontrunner for president, Donald Trump, praised Hezbollah terrorist attackers as “very smart.

Today, the Likud Minister, Shlomo Karhi, responded to the former president, stating it was “shameful that a man like that, a former US president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens,” and that Trump’s comments “obviously” show he can’t be relied upon as an ally to Israel.

“Withholding praise for terrorist groups and enemies of democracy is a low bar for a presidential candidate that Donald Trump can’t seem to climb over. Since taking control of the Republican Party, he’s made it a priority to praise dictators, embrace extremists, and undermine democracy at every turn. Another four years of an unhinged Trump presidency praising enemies of liberty and freedom would be devastating for stability in America and across the globe,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Communications Director Brandon Weathersby.  

Trump has repeatedly attacked allies abroad and has undermined America’s status as a global leader for democracy:


Trump has a very long record of embracing autocratic leaders and dictators:

Vladimir Putin

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Kim Jong Un

  • Trump Called Kim Jong Un “a very smart man” and stated that they “fell in love”.
  • In 2016, he stated the dictator deserved “credit” for taking out his political rivals.

Xi Jinping

Tayyip Erdogan

  • While speaking to Americans who had been held hostage by foreign governments, including Turkey, Trump stated that Erdogan “was very good” to him personally.

Published: Oct 12, 2023 | Last Modified: Nov 1, 2023

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