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Friday, Apr 19 2024

Trump’s Chaotic Criminal Trial: Week 1

Apr 19, 2024

This week, all eyes turned to New York to see the first president ever to stand trial on criminal charges, but they stayed there because of the circus that followed. Yes, this all happened in just the first four days of Trump’s chaotic courthouse trial campaign:

– Throughout the week, several jurors, who had already been sworn in, were dismissed after expressing concerns that details of their personal lives were revealed in court.  

– On Friday, another juror, who disclosed a family connection to Trump rival Gov. Chris Christie, broke down in tears expressing nerves and anxiety over her involvement in the trial. “I thought I could do this … I don’t want you to feel like I’ve wasted anyone’s time,” she said before being excused by Judge Merchan.

– Seating the jury was made more difficult this week by Trump’s attempt at intimidating a potential juror in open court. 

– Throughout jury selection, Trump was forced to read and listen to the social media posts from the perspective of potential jurors who were displeased with his presidency and candidacy.

– According to journalists in the courtroom, Trump appeared “irritated” and fell asleepmultiple times, throughout the week. 

– Trump’s courtroom circus comes as he faces potential punishment for multiple violations of a gag order prohibiting him from commenting on witnesses, prosecutors, court staff, jurors, and family members of anyone involved in the case. Prosecutors alleged Trump violated the order three times before the trial began and another seven times since Monday.

“The reality of sitting in criminal court is hitting Donald Trump. He can see himself taking his next mugshot in orange overalls and that is terrifying for someone who avoided accountability for decades and thinks he is above the law. Trump unraveled in front of us this week – he is only going to grow angrier and more unhinged with each day of this historic trial,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaign Communications Director, Brandon Weathersby.  

Published: Apr 19, 2024 | Last Modified: Apr 29, 2024

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