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Thursday, Mar 23 2017

What Trumpcare Will Do To Real People

Mar 23, 2017

We know Trumpcare is such a disaster in Washington it may actually fail today in the House, but the bill’s coverage across the country provides a clearer picture of just how catastrophic it would be if it passes.

La Crosse Tribune: “Ryan’s Obamacare replacement could boost some La Crosse rates 855 percent”

Denver Post: “Before Obamacare, nearly two-thirds of the patients at Denver Health were either uninsured or on Medicaid” 

Quad-City Times: GOP health plan’s credits help younger, wealthier 

Portland Press Herald: Small-town Maine could see premiums jump sevenfold under the House plan.

Here are the stories state and local newspapers are reporting on the individuals who will be severely worse off if Trumpcare becomes law.

In Michigan, a 28-year-old mother told the Detroit Free Press she turned to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act when she was uninsured and learned she was pregnant. Now, as a nurse she understands the uncertainty facing the 656,744 Michiganders who also enrolled in the Medicaid expansion.

“It’s scary to think about not having it. I know how important it was for me and now I’m seeing a lot of people coming in who haven’t seen a doctor in 20 years.” –Brandella Nettle, MI

In Georgia, a 64-year-old farmer told the Atlanta Journal Constitution he relies on the Affordable Care Act for insurance but voted for Donald Trump to get “this old country straightened out.” Currently, he pays $281 a month for health care with the help of $11,172 in tax credits. Under Trumpcare, he would lose $7,172 of that crucial tax credit.

 “The way they talked it was supposed to be better.” – Kenneth Peek, GA

In Florida, the Orlando Sentinel reported a 58-year-old widow and lifelong Republican experienced lower premiums under the Affordable Care Act than she paid previously under COBRA.

“My premium’s pretty high because I’ve got multiple medical conditions that make it so I cannot work. But I’m afraid of losing this. I’ve done a lot of reading on this … and the cost of my health care [under the GOP plan] will be about double my income. … It’s very scary, and the anxiety that goes along with this happening right now is making it worse.” –Sharon Brown, FL

In Maine, a 61-year-old self-employed builder told the Portland Press Herald he currently pays $344 a month for health care and fears under Trumpcare his premiums would increase to $900 a month which is one-third of his income.

“That would be really tough. I would probably have to go back to working for someone else.”- Ken Vorhees, ME

In North Texas, a mother expressed her concerns to Republican Congressman Pete Sessions that the bill’s drastic cuts to Medicaid would hurt her disabled daughter during a town hall covered by the Dallas Morning News.

“It would cap the amount of money used to cover someone eligible for Medicaid, resulting in fewer dollars and fewer services for those most in need. These cuts will be detrimental for people with disabilities.”- Julie Ross, TX 

Today’s House vote will prove if Trump can successfully whip enough Republicans to support a bad bill, but the real losers will be the individuals who are better off today because of the Affordable Care Act and face an uncertain and grim future under this alternative.

Published: Mar 23, 2017

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