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Monday, Oct 31 2016

Trump Supporter Ron Johnson: "I'm in total agreement with our nominee"

Oct 31, 2016

A week out from Election Day, Trump supporter Ron Johnson isn’t wavering on his steadfast backing of the GOP nominee, despite months of Trump’s racism and even the recent revelation that Trump brags about sexually assaulting women.

“I’m in total agreement with our nominee,” Johnson insisted emphatically this morning, endorsing Trump’s plans to bring back waterboarding and be “vicious”; break up families and forcibly deport 11 million; racially profile Muslims and African Americans; and appoint anti-choice justices, among other divisive and un-American policy proposals.

Donald Trump is temperamentally — and otherwise — unfit to be commander in chief, but Johnson can’t wait for Trump to get his tiny little hands on the nuclear codes.


Published: Oct 31, 2016

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