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Monday, Mar 20 2023

“Trump Silent On Abortion” As 2024 Rivals Run On Anti-Abortion Agendas

Mar 20, 2023

According to a new report from the Associated Press, “No elected Republican has done more to restrict abortion rights in the U.S. than Donald Trump. But in the early days of the 2024 presidential contest, no Republican has worked harder to avoid the issue than the former president.

Unlike his 2024 presidential primary rivals — who are embracing the GOP’s anti-abortion agenda — Donald Trump is “sidestepping the issue,” despite nominating the justices to overturn Roe v. Wade and celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision to strip away a person’s constitutional rights.

While shifting the conversation away from abortion, in recent weeks Trump has said he is “looking at” supporting “a federal law restricting abortion in every state.” Moreover, according to anti-abortion leaders within the Republican Party, “most of the GOP’s prospective field, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, […] would all embrace such a federal ban.”

None of Trump’s political maneuvers detract from the fact that like every Republican running in this race, he supports abortion bans, backs hyper-partisan judges who will limit abortion access, and supports the Dobbs decision.

AP: Trump silent on abortion as 2024 campaign pushes forward

By: Steve Peoples | March 20, 2023

Key Points

  • “No elected Republican has done more to restrict abortion rights in the U.S. than Donald Trump.”

  • “But in the early days of the 2024 presidential contest, no Republican has worked harder to avoid the issue than the former president. Far more than his GOP rivals, Trump is sidestepping the issue just nine months after he and his party celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to strip away women’s constitutional right to abortion.”

  • “Look no further than Trump’s trip to Iowa last week for evidence of his delicate balancing act.”

  • “Moments after he stepped off his plane just outside Davenport, Trump repeatedly refused to say whether he would support a federal law restricting abortion in every state, a move that anti-abortion activists are demanding of the GOP’s presidential contenders.”

  • “‘We’re looking at a lot of different things,’ Trump said when asked twice by The Associated Press whether he supports a federal abortion ban.”

  • “The next step, according to anti-abortion leaders already playing a vocal role in the GOP’s 2024 presidential primary, is to adopt a federal law that would force abortion restrictions upon every state.”

  • “Majorie Dannenfelser, who leads the socially conservative organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, is pushing for a law banning abortions nationwide at 15 weeks of gestation — if not sooner. She said she has spoken privately with most of the GOP’s prospective field, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and believes they would all embrace such a federal ban.”

  • “Meanwhile, Trump’s rivals in the nascent presidential primary field have not shied away from their aggressive abortion plans as they court primary voters.”

  • “In Florida, a DeSantis-backed measure to ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy — before many women realize they’re pregnant — is moving through the Republican-controlled state legislature.”

  • “Former Vice President Mike Pence, another likely 2024 contender who has long promoted religious conservatism, has been one of the GOP’s most aggressive anti-abortion voices since the Supreme Court’s ruling.”

  • “Last month in New Hampshire, a state long known for protecting abortion rights, Pence openly vowed to support a federal abortion ban if elected.”

  • “Nikki Haley, who launched her Republican presidential bid a month ago, also believes the issue will be resolved at the state level, despite her personal wishes.”

  • “She discussed the possibility of a 15-week federal ban during a February interview on the ‘Today’ show. In a New Hampshire radio interview earlier this month, she reminded voters that she signed into law a 20-week ban while South Carolina governor.”

  • “Democrats are closely tracking the Republican White House hopefuls, knowing that aggressive anti-abortion rhetoric and policies will likely alienate key groups of voters — especially swing voters in the suburbs — in the 2024 general election.”

  • “‘Republicans are not going to be able to hide from their extremist anti-abortion rights agendas in the 2024 presidential election,’ said Alexandra De Luca of American Bridge, a pro-Democrat super PAC. ‘American Bridge and the Democratic Party will hammer Republican presidential candidates early and often, making it impossible for whoever emerges to walk back their extremist views during the general election.’”

Read the full report here

Published: Mar 20, 2023

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