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Monday, Sep 26 2016

Trump-Pence Loves Outsourcing

Sep 26, 2016

Donald Trump is once again talking a tough game about protecting U.S. jobs, but his and Mike Pence’s records on outsourcing don’t give either of them much credibility.

Trump and Outsourcing

Trump claims he’s against outsourcing, even as he profits off companies that outsource — and that’s just the start of his hypocrisy on the issue. Essentially every Trump-branded product is (was, for the many now-defunct goods) manufactured overseas; from Bangladesh and Vietnam, to Honduras and Mexico.

And on top of that, Trump has also brought in thousands of foreign workers over the years, having sought “at least 1,100 foreign worker visas since 2000.” Even as he’s launched his presidential bid, Trump companies have continued to bring in foreign workers, including at his Mar-a-Lago club and at Trump Vineyard.

Pence and Outsourcing

Pence’s outsourcing record is no better than Trump’s: he’s approved millions in taxpayer funds for companies that outsourced or went on to outsource.

As chair of Indiana’s “jobs” agency, Pence has done a great job of creating job overseas. As governor, Pence has approved $24 million in tax payer-funded incentives to outsourcing businesses. And least $8.7 million of those taxpayer dollars have been paid out to-date, even as the receiving companies “announced layoffs or fired more than 3,800 Indiana workers.”

In essence: Donald Trump invests his own money in outsourcing companies; Pence uses taxpayer dollars.

Watch “Trump-Pence: Make America Outsource Again!” here.

Published: Sep 26, 2016

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