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Thursday, Sep 3 2020

Trump Mocks Our Fallen Heroes

Sep 03, 2020

Following a report from the Atlantic spotlighting Donald Trump’s behind-closed-doors mockery of fallen American soldiers, American Bridge 21st Century issued the following statement.

“Calling our fallen heroes ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ is the ultimate slap in the face to our country, our veterans, their families, and the values we stand for,” said Kyle Morse, an American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson. “Donald Trump praises Vladimir Putin and mocks our war heroes. This explains why he did nothing to stop Putin from placing bounties on our troops. Polling shows that military members see through Trump and this November, they are going to help elect a president who will protect them, honor their sacrifices, and treat them with the respect they deserve.”

Published: Sep 3, 2020

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