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Friday, Jul 7 2017

Trump Is Gunning For Regulations That Target Corporate Tax-Dodging

Jul 07, 2017

In the latest instance of Trump looking to put corporations over America’s working families, the Trump Administration is teasing plans to gut “part of the Obama administration’s high-profile attempt to stem corporate tax avoidance.” For those keeping track, Trump has by now spent more time planning to cut corporate taxes than to help the 133,208 Americans who’ve lost their jobs since Trump took office get back to work. 
“Of course the self-interested, tax-dodging billionaire President of the United States wants to let corporations get away with ducking taxes — it’s least surprising news of the past seven months,” said American Bridge spokesperson Brad Bainum. “Trump has only ever put himself and his billionaire buddies first: this, following his tax plan and Trumpcare bill that slash taxes for himself and his donors, is just Trump’s latest selling out of everyday Americans.”
Read more from the Wall Street Journal.

Published: Jul 7, 2017

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