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Saturday, Feb 24 2024

Trump Gave One of the Most Racist Speeches in Modern Politics

Feb 24, 2024

Donald Trump’s four decades in public life are full of blatant racism against Black Americans, but on the evening before the South Carolina primary, Trump delivered some of the most racist rhetoric of his political career.

In a speech to the Black Conservative Federation, Trump:

Trump’s racist speech comes as American Bridge’s This F*cking Guy campaign focuses on Donald Trump’s long history of racism throughout Black History Month. American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director Brandon Weathersby released the following statement on Trump’s racist rhetoric underscoring decades of research:

“We told you this guy was a racist, and he proved our point by giving one of his most racist speeches since he came down the golden escalator. Trump’s version of courting Black voters is repeating harmful stereotypes, attacking Black American icons, and telling bald-faced lies about the state of Black America. Trump doesn’t care about advancement for communities of color, he only cares about using their votes to return the power. Trump represents the exact opposite of progress and Black Americans will reward his offensive appeals by making sure he loses in November.”

Published: Feb 24, 2024 | Last Modified: Feb 27, 2024

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