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Wednesday, May 4 2016

Trump Dismissed The Auto Rescue: "You Could Have Let It Go Bankrupt"

May 04, 2016

In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Donald Trump just claimed, “I’m constantly talking about Michigan with the cars and what’s happening,” suggesting he’s been a supporter of the auto industry.

Surprise: Trump doesn’t support auto workers. Taking a page from Mitt “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” Romney, Trump previously wasn’t so happy about the auto rescue:

You could have let it go, and rebuilt itself, through the free enterprise system. You could have let it go bankrupt, frankly, and rebuilt itself, and a lot of people felt it should happen.


Trump Told A Michigan Crowd That “You Would Have Wound Up In The Same Place” With Or Without Auto Bailout.  According to the Washington Post, “The speech they got only occasionally focused on the problems of Michigan, as when Trump paused to note that the companies he would strong-arm out of moving factories to Mexico would be better off building them nearby. Trump’s glancing interest in local politics made it into in a pre-speech press conference. Asked if President Obama showed leadership in the 2008/2009 bailout of the major auto companies, Trump meandered through an answer that left him without a position. ‘You could have let it go, and rebuilt itself, through the free enterprise system,’ said Trump. ‘You could have let it go bankrupt, frankly, and rebuilt itself, and a lot of people felt it should happen. Or you could have done it the way it went. I could have done it either way. Either way would have been acceptable. I think you would have wound up in the same place.’” [Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Published: May 4, 2016

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