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Tuesday, Nov 15 2011

TPM: Navy Vet Says She Was Kicked Out Of Romney Rally Because She Was Silently Protesting

Nov 15, 2011

On November 15, 2011, Talking Points Memo reported:

There are ways to deal with protesters gracefully at a campaign event, and then there’s kicking a Navy veteran out of your rally because she’s wearing a t-shirt you don’t like.

Melissa Harmon tells TPM she was given the latter treatment by Mitt Romney staffers at an event in Columbia, SC Tuesday. Harmon, who was discharged honorably from the Navy under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell before the policy changed, showed up at the rally to protest Romney’s suggestion that VA benefits should be at least partially privatized.

Harmon, like a lot of veterans, is worried about the idea. But she said the Romney campaign thought her form of protest — a handwritten T-shirt — was too hot to handle and so she was kicked out of the Columbia event…

Read the full article here.

Published: Nov 15, 2011

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