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Friday, Feb 24 2012

TPM: Joe The Plumber’s Campaign: ‘Rich Iott Is Not A Nazi’

Feb 24, 2012

On February 23, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:

Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher’s campaign for Congress is defending his association with 2010 Republican candidate Rich Iott, who endorsed Joe the Candidate earlier this week, and who dealt with controversy in the last campaign when it was discovered that he enjoys spending his weekends dressed up like a Nazi soldier.


In an interview with TPM, Wurzelbacher’s deputy campaign director Phil Christofanelli vigorously defended Iott as a job-creating businessman who has helped the Toledo area — and denied the legitimacy of any negative associations.

“He has a whole collection, it’s one of the thing he does. I don’t know all the costumes he does, but he has a whole wardrobe of different army costumes,” said Christofanelli, also adding, “Joe has actually seen his collection, I understand.”

Read the full story here.

Published: Feb 24, 2012

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