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Monday, Feb 5 2024

Top Five “WTF” Moments from Trump’s Sunday Morning Fox News Interview

Feb 05, 2024

In an exclusive interview with Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump continued his off-the-rails spiral that has led experts and rivals to question his mental fitness in the days following his unhinged speeches in New Hampshire.

“We’re used to Donald Trump repeating lies and revisionist history, but recently his chaotic rhetoric reached a new level, whether it’s in interviews, campaign rallies, or on Truth Social. In the same interview, Trump refused to explain or walk back his ‘dictator’ comments and praised the autocratic leader of a country he thought would interfere in our elections. Before Trump’s MAGA-ification of the Republican Party, this would be disqualifying behavior for any presidential candidate, but today it makes him the likely presidential nominee,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director Brandon Weathersby. 

Here are the five moments from Trump’s Fox News interview that had us thinking “What is wrong with this f*cking guy?”:

  1. Trump once again refused to answer direct questions asking him to explain how he’d execute being a “dictator for one day.” Instead, Trump embraced the dictator narrative and went on an extended rant about the border and drilling for oil.
  2. Trump repeated unfounded claims that there is a 100% chance of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil due to undocumented immigrants entering the country. Trump’s concerns about national security are incongruent with reports he is lobbying MAGA members of Congress against bipartisan immigration reform. 
  3. Trump repeated his glowing praise of Chinese President Xi Jinping and moments later confirmed he thought China would try to interfere in the presidential election.
  4. Trump praised the 1950’s era immigration policy with a racist code name (Operation Wetback) that cruelly deported migrant workers, families, and businesses that relied on migrant labor. In a second term, Trump plans on reviving military-style deportations for undocumented immigrants.  
  5. Trump displayed confusion about the state of the Indiana Republican primary and whether his primary rival, Nikki Haley, had successfully qualified for the ballot. Trump claimed Haley had forgotten to apply, however, Haley’s campaign has until February 9th to successfully file to appear on the Indiana primary ballot.

Published: Feb 5, 2024

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