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Thursday, Feb 18 2016

Toomey On SCOTUS Vacancy: "It's Not That Big A Deal"

Feb 18, 2016


“It’s not that big a deal.”

That’s what Senator Pat Toomey told the Associated Press this afternoon in reference to the Supreme Court being left with only eight justices.

“Senator Pat Toomey’s dismissive attitude towards his constitutional duty shows he works in lockstep with obstructionist Republicans led by Senator McConnell rather than working on behalf of Pennsylvanians. Despite his re-election vulnerability this November, it’s no surprise that Sen. Toomey is shirking his duties. The Keystone State has already suffered a judicial emergency from Sen. Toomey’sbizarre blocking of his own nominee last year,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler. “If Senator Toomey doesn’t believe a vacancy for up to two court terms is a ‘big deal,’ he and his fellow obstructionist senators should step aside and allow someone who is willing to do their jobs to take office.”

Published: Feb 18, 2016

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