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Wednesday, Feb 7 2024

This F*cking Guy’s Education Secretary Had Zero Experience in the Public School System

Feb 07, 2024

Seven years ago today, Betsy DeVos, a school choice activist and Republican mega-donor with zero experience in public schools, was confirmed as secretary of Education in the Trump administration. DeVos’ wealth, influence in the school choice movement, and strong loyalty to Donald Trump created a perfect storm for her nomination, despite lacking the qualifications to run the Department of Education.

In response to the anniversary of DeVos’ confirmation, American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director, Brandon Weathersby, released the following statement:

“It’s hard to believe that Trump’s secretary of Education had zero experience in public schools, even as a student, but he will always value loyalty over competence. DeVos blindly executed Trump’s education agenda by ending important student protections and supporting his proposals to cut billions in education funding. Without a doubt, a second Trump presidency would install another loyalist who would push even harder to eliminate federal education funding for public schools.”

Trump’s awful record on education as president:

Published: Feb 7, 2024 | Last Modified: Feb 21, 2024

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