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Wednesday, Oct 11 2023

This F*cking Guy: Trump is a Sexual Predator

Oct 11, 2023

This week in 2016, footage of Donald Trump talking with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about his pattern of sexually assaulting women surfaced. The footage showed Trump joking about assaulting women, grabbing them “by the pussy,” kissing women before they could stop him, and having “moved on” a married woman “like a bitch.”

In response to this anniversary, American Bridge spokesperson Monica Venzke released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s history of being a disgusting sexual predator is long and well-documented — and adjudicated. This kind of rhetoric should have been disqualifying for the office of the presidency, yet Trump is once again the front runner in the Republican Party — except now he has been found liable for sexual abuse. We cannot send this fucking guy back to the White House.”

American Bridge’s “This F*cking Guy” campaign is reminding voters of key moments from Trump’s presidency as he pursues the GOP nomination in 2024. Our Trump Research Book website exists to help allies find the research needed to defeat Donald Trump. The site is organized into multiple reports designed to help tell the full story about Trump’s failed presidency and make the case against his 2024 campaign.

Published: Oct 11, 2023 | Last Modified: Nov 1, 2023

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