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Tuesday, Feb 27 2024

This F*cking Guy Tried to End Affordable Health Care for Millions

Feb 27, 2024

Seven years ago today, Donald Trump told a room full of governors that “nobody knew” repealing affordable health care for their millions of constituents “could be so complicated.” 

Trump tried, and failed, to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which at the time provided health coverage to nearly 27 million Americans. Trump is running for president on a promise to repeal the ACA in a second term, but he has no plan to ensure health care access isn’t taken away from the now more than 40 million Americans who benefit from the ACA. 

“Trump tried pulling every lever he could to repeal affordable health care for millions. Trump supported repeals through Congress and the courts. When both of those options failed, Trump sought to chip away at affordable health care any way he could by undermining protections for people with pre-existing conditions, failing to lower the price of prescription drugs, and subjecting older Americans to more surprise medical billing. Nothing in Trump’s record suggests he’ll be a champion for affordable health care and we should believe him when he says he wants to give repealing the ACA another chance in a second term,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director Brandon Weathersby. 

Donald Trump’s record proves access to affordable health care is at risk for over 40 million Americans in a second Trump presidency:

Published: Feb 27, 2024

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