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Thursday, Jan 25 2024

This F*cking Guy Reinstated and Expanded the Global Gag Rule

Jan 25, 2024

Seven years ago, Donald Trump reinstated and dramatically expanded the “global gag rule,” which required foreign non-government organizations (NGOs) to certify they would not perform or promote abortion care to receive funding from the U.S. federal government.

Learn more about Trump’s multiple attacks on reproductive health care not just in the U.S., but around the world:

In response to the anniversary of Trump’s global gag rule, American Bridge 21st Century National Press Secretary Monica Venzke released the following statement: 

“In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump signed an executive order attacking abortion rights. It was the precursor for the appointment of three Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe after generations of Americans had the right to make their own health care decisions. Trump will do nothing but further restrict reproductive health care access if he’s elected president once more — because he’s the head of the anti-choice movement in this country. In a second term, he’ll continue his crackdown on abortion rights at the federal level and allow states to enforce cruel punishments for Americans who seek care, the doctors and nurses who provide it, and the family members who care for them.”

American Bridge’s “This F*cking Guy” campaign is reminding voters of key moments from Trump’s presidency as he pursues the GOP nomination in 2024. Our Trump Research Book website exists to help allies find the research needed to defeat Donald Trump. The site is organized into multiple reports designed to help tell the full story about Trump’s failed presidency and make the case against his 2024 campaign.

Published: Jan 25, 2024 | Last Modified: Jan 31, 2024

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