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Friday, Feb 2 2024

This F*cking Guy Has No Idea Who Frederick Douglass Is…

Feb 02, 2024

Seven years ago today, during his first Black History Month celebration as president, Donald Trump seemed confused while reading off a prepared statement and implied that Frederick Douglass was still alive.

In a bizarre off-script moment, Trump described the famous abolitionist and American icon, Frederick Douglass, as “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.” At the time, Douglass had been deceased for 122 years.

In response to the anniversary of Trump’s absurd comments, American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director Brandon Weathersby released the following statement:

“We’d expect the leader of the free world to know one of the most famous individuals who fought to end slavery in America. Evidently, that is expecting far too much from someone like Donald Trump, who has a long history of racism, xenophobia, and discrimination that predates his time in the White House by decades. As a political figure, he fans the flames of hatred and bigotry for his own personal gain. Trump’s comments about Frederick Douglass may seem comical, but they are a product of someone who spent his entire life thinking people of color were to be exploited and not revered.”

Donald Trump has a long history of racism, xenophobia, and discrimination. As a candidate and as president, he used racism and racial division as political tools.

American Bridge’s “This F*cking Guy” campaign is reminding voters of key moments from Trump’s presidency as he pursues the GOP nomination in 2024. Our Trump Research Book website exists to help allies find the research needed to defeat Donald Trump. The site is organized into multiple reports designed to help tell the full story about Trump’s failed presidency and make the case against his 2024 campaign.

Published: Feb 2, 2024 | Last Modified: Feb 5, 2024

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