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Thursday, Jul 13 2023

This F*cking Guy: Donald Trump's Disastrous Foreign Relations

Jul 13, 2023

This week marks the anniversary of some of Donald Trump’s most infamous and egregious examples of incompetence on the global scale.

On this date in 2018, Trump said, “I believe that the people in the UK – Scotland, Ireland. They like me a lot.” Ireland is not a part of the United Kingdom, and has not been for over a hundred years. In 2020, polling showed that three quarters of British voters would support Joe Biden in an election against Trump.

That same week in 2018, Trump thanked the Finnish president for his support and said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has never been stronger. The problem? Finland was not a part of NATO.

About the anniversary of these international embarrassments, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson released the following statement:

“Trump was a complete and total embarrassment on the global stage and made a mockery of our nation. If he’s in the White House again, we’re looking at another four years of international humiliation and failure.”

American Bridge’s “This F*cking Guy” campaign is reminding voters of key moments from Trump’s presidency as he pursues the GOP nomination in 2024. Our Trump Research Book website exists to help allies find the research needed to defeat Donald Trump. The site is organized into multiple reports designed to help tell the full story about Trump’s failed presidency and make the case against his 2024 campaign.

Published: Jul 13, 2023 | Last Modified: Jul 14, 2023

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