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Monday, Jul 31 2023

This F*cking Guy: 219 Scaramuccis Later

Jul 31, 2023

Today in 2017, Donald Trump’s White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci was fired after only 10 days on the job. He was one of Trump’s seven communications directors, and only a small piece of the Trump administration’s 92% high-level staff turnover.

The aides that lasted, however, weren’t free from scandal either. Many of Trump’s most-trusted allies have been arrested.

In response to the anniversary of Scaramucci’s infamous firing, American Bridge spokesperson Monica Venzke released the following statement: 

“It’s been 219 Scaramuccis since his firing, and that was only the beginning of the daily turbulence of Donald Trump’s presidency. From firings to indictments, Trump’s most trusted allies have always been people just like him — incompetent and criminal. This f*cking guy’s entire presidency was riddled with disaster, and another term of a Trump presidency would be even worse.”

American Bridge’s “This F*cking Guy” campaign is reminding voters of key moments from Trump’s presidency as he pursues the GOP nomination in 2024. Our Trump Research Book website exists to help allies find the research needed to defeat Donald Trump. The site is organized into multiple reports designed to help tell the full story about Trump’s failed presidency and make the case against his 2024 campaign.

Published: Jul 31, 2023 | Last Modified: Aug 8, 2023

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