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Tuesday, Jan 17 2012

The Press & Guide: MI U.S. Sentate GOP Hopefuls Blast UN, Federal Reserve, Immigrants

Jan 17, 2012

On January 16, 2012, The Press & Guide reported:

Five of the candidates who hope to be the Republican Party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate sought the endorsement of a coalition of Michigan Tea Party groups Saturday by attacking the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, taxes and children of illegal immigrants.


The United Nations came in for direct attacks from the Republicans. Accusing the international body of attempting to erode U.S. sovereignty, all five called for an end to U.S. participation.

Durant said it should be replaced with a privately funded organization to promote U.S. values to the rest of the world.


All five called for major changes in taxes, either a flat tax or the so-called Fair Tax plan. That proposal would replace income taxes with a national consumption tax.

Read the full article here.

Published: Jan 17, 2012

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