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Tuesday, Mar 6 2012

The Grio: Rodell Mollineau Leads Major Obama Super PAC

Mar 06, 2012

On March 5, 2012, The Grio reported:

But Mollineau’s group specializes in research. It hires “trackers,” usually young campaign staffers, who follow Republican candidates around with video cameras, looking to catch them making controversial remarks, or ones at odds with their previous records.

It also investigates the writings, and other public records, of candidates like Mitt Romney, trying to find negative information about them that can then be sent to reporters and used in stories.


Such footage is part of American Bridge’s extensive video library and computer archives, which serve as a clearinghouse that can be accessed by other PAC’S, organizations doing “opposition” research, and more.

Mollineau acknowledges that such information may find its way into attack ads but notes that “any critique must be founded in fact.”

Read the whole article here.

Published: Mar 6, 2012

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