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Monday, Aug 12 2013

Tell the RNC to take a stand: Anti-Hillary groups are going too far.

Aug 12, 2013

The Hillary Haters are at it again… and the Republican National Committee has nothing to say about it.

The rabid right wing is so scared of a potential Hillary Clinton candidacy in 2016 that they’re already doing everything they can to sink her sky high popularity. That, we expected. What didn’t we expect?


Last week The Hillary Project, a leading conservative group determined to smear the former Secretary of State, promoted an online video game prompting people to violently slap Hillary Clinton. And Republican leaders at the RNC haven’t said a word about it.

If leading GOP groups are going to stoop this low, the RNC needs to speak out.

Click here to sign our petition demanding Republican leaders at the RNC condemn their allies’ vicious attacks.

Published: Aug 12, 2013

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