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Friday, May 27 2022

Teen Vogue: Cecile Richards on the Next Steps in the Fight for Abortion Rights

May 27, 2022

Today, Teen Vogue published an op-ed by American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair and former President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards on how we can continue the fight for abortion rights. 

According to a poll conducted by American Bridge, EMILY’s List, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, making abortion illegal is deeply unpopular. This poll found that voters, by a 71-point margin, said they would be more likely to vote for a Democrat who favors leaving the decision on abortion up to a woman and her doctor and opposes efforts to ban abortion than a Republican who favors making abortion illegal.

Key Quotes from Cecile Richards in Teen Vogue

  • “Thirty-six million Americans — nearly half of the women of reproductive age in the United States — stand to lose safe and legal abortion access. And leaders in the Republican Party have made clear that they’re open to introducing a national ban on abortion in Congress.” 
  • “In my home state of Texas, a barbaric bounty-hunter abortion ban has been in place since last September, making any abortion after six weeks of pregnancy illegal. That’s before many people even know they are pregnant.”
  • “It is important to know that this fight does not end once abortion is criminalized. Already, Republican politicians are threatening to outlaw forms of birth control, like IUDs, of which they don’t approve.”
  • “I am ashamed of the politicians that are using raw political power to take away your rights. It will take unprecedented political activism to restore what is rightfully ours: the ability to make our own decisions about our bodies.” 


Published: May 27, 2022 | Last Modified: Jun 9, 2022

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