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Thursday, Jul 21 2016

Ted Cruz Torches Trump's Convention

Jul 21, 2016

Earlier in the week, Donald Trump did an hour-long interview with the Golf Channel as counter-programming to his own convention.

Tonight, Trump decided to keep the counter-programming in house, by letting Ted Cruz go up on stage off-script and refuse to endorse him.

Let’s just say people won’t be talking about Mike Pence’s acceptance speech tomorrow:

Pence is going to have to do or say something pretty interesting to compete with Cruz news.
10:48 PM – 20 Jul 2016

Some #RNCinCLE officials are mad as fire that Cruz failed to endorse Trump
10:53 PM – 20 Jul 2016

Trump campaign expected Cruz to talk for 10 minutes. Cruz’ prepared remarks went 9 minutes. He spoke for 23 minutes.
10:37 PM – 20 Jul 2016

The look on the Trumps faces as they watched Cruz’s speech
10:40 PM – 20 Jul 2016

Just spoke to a source who says witnessed the head of the WA delegation go “bananas” on Cruz and call him a traitor
10:37 PM – 20 Jul 2016

In all seriousness, @TedCruz probably needs to leave town. Reports of anger in the hall boiling over.
10:46 PM – 20 Jul 2016

Why did Trump folks risk allowing Cruz to speak on the third night of this convo? Pence has been stepped on. Big time
9:59 PM – 20 Jul 2016

btw, on Cruz speech: I’m told Trump campaign approved the text
10:46 PM – 20 Jul 2016

Texas Trump supporter on Cruz non-endorsement: “I think it’s disgraceful” #RNCinCLE
10:50 PM – 20 Jul 2016

This @mike_pence speech is good but won’t drive the news tomorrow. The @tedcruz speech and reaction will be the story.
10:51 PM – 20 Jul 2016
unnamed (15)

Published: Jul 21, 2016

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