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Friday, Apr 24 2015

Talk about a bad press day…

Apr 24, 2015

Here’s hoping at least some of that high-dollar Miami hotel bill Jeb’s running up this weekend while his opponents are in Iowa is set aside for an open bar for the communications staff — they must need a drink after reading this morning’s clips.

Washington Post “Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush supports President Obama’s trade deal, praises his management of the National Security Agency and agrees that Congress should have moved faster to hold a vote on new attorney general Loretta Lynch.  And that’s all since last week.”

Republican insiders speaking to Politico:  “‘[Common Core] is the number-one issue Bush faces in Iowa with caucusgoers,’ …’Right now, it’s a big issue among suburban GOP women…which is a demographic that is central to him winning New Hampshire.’”

Politico:  “Hence, the calculation that Bush may need to raise $100 million ‘as a matter of survival.’”

Published: Apr 24, 2015

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