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Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

The Trump Administration Suspending FHA Mortgage Insurance Rates

The Trump administration announced that they were suspending a rate cut to FHA mortgage insurance. FHA insurance insured over one million purchase loans and refinances in 2016. FHA mortgage insurance was primarily aimed at helping first-time homebuyers, as well as minority and low-income home-buyers. According to the National Association of Realtors, without the Obama administration’s rate cuts, up to 40,000 homebuyers could be shut out…

Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

The Trump Administration Reinstating and Expanding the Global Gag Rule

Donald Trump signed an executive action reinstating and expanding the Mexico City policy, also referred to as the “Global Gag…

Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

Donald Trump's Executive Action on Standing Rock

Donald Trump signed an executive action to speed up the approval process for the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock,…

Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

Donald Trump's Plan to Construct the Keystone XL Pipeline

President Trump signed a memorandum urging TransCanada to resubmit its application to construct the Keystone XL Pipeline. The U.S. Secretary…

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