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Thursday, Jul 9 2020

Trump Shelling Out to Protect Donors, Not Students

“With Donald Trump threatening to cut school funding, nothing could be more tone-deaf than covering the cost of health screenings for donors but not America’s students,” said Kyle Morse, an American Bridge 21st Century Spokesperson. “Trump has always played games with our nation’s health care, but now, he’s gambling with the lives of our students, teachers, and faculty. We cannot trust Donald Trump to put…

Thursday, Mar 12 2020


*Excluding all countries with a Trump Resort “In the middle of a global pandemic, it comes as no surprise to…

Tuesday, Mar 10 2020

ICYMI: Opinion: Scranton Times-Tribune: Opinion: At Scranton Town Hall, Trump lets truth slip on plans for Medicare, Social Security

The following op-ed from American Bridge President Bradley Beychok is running in today’s print edition of the Scranton Times-Tribune. It…

Tuesday, Mar 10 2020

ICYMI: Trump promised to bring back manufacturing in Pennsylvania. He didn’t. Will it cost him?

"The numbers don't lie. Donald Trump made big promises to workers and manufacturers, but he’s completely failed to deliver results," said…

Wednesday, Mar 4 2020

ICYMI: American Ledger: Trump Refuses to Hire Government Watchdogs That Protect Whistleblowers

According to a review by American Ledger, President Trump has, to date, refused to hire six Inspectors General throughout his…

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