It’s been over a week since White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer took the podium in an on-camera White House press briefing. Yet, not much has changed. President Trump logged another trip to Mar-a-Lago at taxpayer expense, there is a new Muslim ban which is just as arbitrary and discriminatory as the old Muslim ban, a new health care plan that fulfills GOP orthodoxy of rewarding insurance CEO’s and the wealthy, and of course, ongoing developments in Trump’s ties to Russia.
American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah says “welcome back, Spicer” and calls on him to answer the following questions:
1. During the campaign the President promised not to cut Medicaid but the House GOP plan eliminates the ACA’s Medicaid Expansion, does President Trump stand by his promise or does he support the House GOP plan?

2. Why is American citizen and Gold Star father Khizr Khan’s “freedom to travel abroad” under review?
3. Why does the Republican health care plan offer insurance companies a tax break for paying CEO’s more than $500,000 a year?
4. How can President Trump demand “insurance for everybody” and back the Republican health care plan that will throw millions off their insurance?
5. Will the White House cooperate with a special prosecutor or independent commission investigation of President Trump’s ties to Russia if it includes his baseless claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
Published: Mar 7, 2017