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News Tuesday, Mar 21 2017

Spicer Questions: Gorsuch Day 2, FBI Bombshell Aftermath Edition

Mar 21, 2017

Some have called yesterday the worst day of the Trump presidency.

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah disagrees. He says “The worst is yet to come,” and calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions at today’s briefing:

1. Donald Trump did not use the words “FBI,” “Comey,” “Russia,” or “investigation” at his rally in Louisville yesterday. Was he following the advice of his attorneys because he is a target of the FBI investigation?

2. Did Donald Trump employ his litmus test of overturning Roe v. Wade to select Judge Gorsuch?

3. Doesn’t Rex Tillerson’s decision to skip his first scheduled NATO meeting in Brussels while going to Moscow send the exact wrong signal that the Trump administration is carrying water for Vladimir Putin?

4. Has Ivanka Trump been using a White House email address for her work on behalf of her father’s administration?

5. Will the White House guarantee any version of Trumpcare the President signs will eliminate the tax credits to Members of Congress currently in the bill?

Published: Mar 21, 2017

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