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Wednesday, May 2 2018

In a Single Breath, Kevin Nicholson Disrespects American Veterans, Values, and the U.S. Constitution

May 02, 2018

Wisconsin Senate candidate and former Marine Kevin Nicholson can’t fathom that fellow veterans might hold viewpoints opposing his own. Today in a radio interview with Wisconsin’s WTMJ, Nicholson questioned military veterans who are Democrats, saying, “Those veterans that are out there in the Democratic Party, I question their, their cognitive thought process. Because the bottom line is, they’re signing up to defend the Constitution that their party is continually dragging through the mud.”

“Our servicemen and women lay their lives on the line every day to protect Americans’ right to freedom of expression. That Kevin Nicholson imagines otherwise is an affront to those who serve, and to the Constitution he claims to protect. Kevin Nicholson is so desperate to hide from Republican primary voters that he used to be a Democrat that he is willing to publicly disparage his fellow veterans. That’s the very worst of political opportunism,” said American Bridge Spokesperson Amelia Penniman.

Published: May 2, 2018

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