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Monday, Jan 28 2019

SHOT/ CHASER: Susan Collins Breaks Her Own Rules on Roe v. Wade

Jan 28, 2019

Susan Collins famously excused her vote for Brett Kavanaugh based on her belief that he would not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

She’s getting ready to vote on another high profile Trump nominee, Attorney General nominee Bill Barr. But while Barr is on the record as anti-choice, his hostility to Roe v. Wade apparently isn’t a deal breaker for Collins.

SHOT: Collins is reserving judgement on Barr.

CHASER: Barr is on the record as proudly anti-choice.

CNN: AG nominee William Barr in 1992 CNN interview: Roe v. Wade ‘will fall’
By Annie Grayer | January 11, 2019

  • “‘I think that Roe v. Wade will ultimately be overturned,’ Barr said on CNN’s ‘Evans & Novak.’ ‘I think it’ll fall of its own weight. It does not have any constitutional underpinnings.’”
  • “‘Over time, I think, and with further appointments to the Supreme Court, I think that the Roe v. Wade opinion will fall,’ Barr said in the interview, which aired July 4, 1992.”
  • “‘I think this department will continue to do what it’s done for the past 10 years and call for the overturning of Roe v. Wade in future litigation,’ Barr said, because ‘well, the vote was worse than five to four several years ago, and we continued to go back to the Court. And I think the defects of the current decision will become more and more evident over time.’”
  • “I do not believe the right to privacy extends to abortion, so I think that my views are consistent with the views that have been taken by the department since 1983, which is that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled.”

Published: Jan 28, 2019

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