Donald Trump has proven time and again that he does not have a cogent foreign policy platform or strategy to defend America’s national security interests. On Syria alone, he has wobbled from doing nothing to saying multiple lines have been crossed, and it doesn’t end there.
So, what are Trump’s foreign policy proposals and plans? If you’re trying to figure that out by listening to what he has to say, it’s impossible to say:
- on Syria: “DO NOT attack Syria,” Assad’s actions “are a consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution,” “My attitude towards Syria and Assad has changed very much.”
- on ISIS: Repeats the phrase “radical Islam,” but he won’t release his strategy for defeating ISIS – despite promising “the best plan” on the campaign.
- on North Korea: Trump says, “”China controls North Korea. So now besides cyber hacking us all day, they are using the Norks to taunt us. China is a major threat.” Meanwhile, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s confusing statement was the latest in a bizarre few months at Trump’s State Department
- on the Middle East: “I’m looking at two-state and one-state [solution], and I like the one that both parties like.”
“Trump’s incoherent ramblings are entirely removed from reality,” said Sabrina Singh, American Bridge spokeswoman. “His lack of serious and strategic foreign policy goals puts us all at risk. It’s time for White House to offer the country more than incomprehensible rhetoric when it comes to keeping our country safe and advancing our interests around the world.”
Published: Apr 5, 2017