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Monday, Jul 2 2018

Senate Brief: GOP Senate Candidates Are (Almost) Nowhere To Be Found. What Are They Hiding?

Jul 02, 2018

Week of Monday, July 2

IN BRIEF: Recess? What recess? Rather than use the July 4th recess to campaign across their states, Republican Senate challengers are hiding from voters. While every Democratic Senate incumbent has held multiple town hall meetings this year, GOP Senate candidates’ schedules have been shockingly thin — and once again this recess, public events are practically nonexistent.

  • Over the next seven days, not a single top-tier Republican Senate candidate will be holding an in-person town hall or any public event at which citizens can ask questions.
  • In fact, Republican candidates across the country have only announced 5 events total over the coming week. GOP Senate candidates are hiding from voters — further evidence that they’re terrified of being confronted about their healthcare sabotage, their failed tax bill, or their brutal and botched immigration policies.
  • Republican candidates claim the newly open Supreme Court seat is a boost for their campaigns, but they’re even too scared to broach this topic in public with voters.


  • Rick Scott is under fire again for massive fiscal mismanagement — this time, he’s sticking Floridians with a multi-million dollar tab from the “more expensive” companies he hired to manage debris removal after Hurricane Irma. CBS Miami has an in-depth look at Scott’s eight-figure “rookie mistake.”
  • Josh Hawley is co-counsel on a lawsuit that could strip 2.5 million Missourians with pre-existing conditions of their healthcare. Last week, he blatantly lied about his commitment to protecting pre-existing conditions coverage. Hawley has a consistent record of doing what’s best for his own career. We’ll see if he can muster the courage to stand with Missourians instead.
  • Kevin Cramer got a desperately-needed boost from President Trump last week at a rally in Fargo, ND — only to have Trump turn Air Force One right around for Washington, where he met with Sen. Heitkamp at the White House. That Trump sure is a fickle friend.


  • 60: Workers Missouri’s Mid-Continent Nail was forced to lay off after President Trump’s tariffs cut their business in half.
  • 500: Jobs that would be lost if Mid-Continent Nail closes.
  • 17,000: Population of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, the home of Mid-Continent Nail.

ONE FOR THE ROAD: Man, it’s a hot one.

AND HAPPY MONDAY from American Bridge. Follow us at @JoshuaKarp @AmeliaPenniman@EmmaBeckerman1

Published: Jul 2, 2018

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