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Wednesday, May 14 2014

See Rick Scott Run

May 14, 2014

Rick Scott is running for reelection, but he’s better at running from questions. Time and time again reporters have asked Scott where he stands on key issues, only to have Scott duck and run. Maybe that’s because he knows his positions are detrimental to middle-class families in the Sunshine State. His failure to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act has left over 700,000 Floridians without health care. Just thinking about raising the minimum wage so working families can make ends meet causes him to “cringe.” For Rick Scott, maybe running is better than telling the truth.

Watch American Bridge’s new video above and see Scott run.


Rick Scott: “When I Hear A Politician Say That We Have To Raise The Minimum Wage So Working Families Can Make Ends Meet, I Cringe” According to The Tampa Bay Times, “Count Gov. Rick Scott among those who are dubious about the Democrats’ proposal. ‘When I hear a politician say that we have to raise the minimum wage so working families can make ends meet, I cringe, because I know that statement is a lie,’ Scott said via email. ‘Even if we did raise the minimum wage, working families will still not be able to make ends meet on those jobs. We need good jobs that lead to good careers for our families and that’s what I am focused on.’” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/8/14]

Kaiser Family Foundation: In Florida, 764,000 Uninsured Adults Fall Into The Coverage Gap Created By The Failure To Expand Medicaid. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “In Florida, 764,000 uninsured adults (20% of the uninsured in the state) who would have been eligible for Medicaid if the state expanded fall into the coverage gap. These adults are all below the poverty line and thus have very limited incomes. Because they do not gain an affordable coverage option under the ACA, they are most likely to remain uninsured.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 1/6/14]

Published: May 14, 2014

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