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Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

Scott Walker's Priorities: Rolls Out Presidential 527, Big Budget Cuts to UW

Jan 27, 2015

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is making his priorities clear, rolling out a Presidential vehicle for himself on the same day his budget proposal slashes $300 million from the University of Wisconsin system. Walker’s 527, Our American Revival, will offer donors the ability to give unlimited amounts of money with only annual disclosure requirements. Walker himself will face restrictions on his involvement with the committee once he formally files for office, not that coordination rules have stopped him before.

American Bridge 21st Century President Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement in reaction to Walker:

“What a week for Scott Walker, from pandering to Steve King in Iowa to kissing the Koch brothers’ ring in California to proposing a $300 million budget cut to Wisconsin’s public universities while rolling out a new vehicle for his Presidential ambitions. Being President is about priorities, and Scott Walker’s willingness to hurt the middle class so that his ambition and his financial backers can benefit couldn’t be more clear.”

Published: Jan 27, 2015

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