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Wednesday, Aug 8 2018

Scott Wagner Didn’t Show Up to Vote on Opioid Crisis, Now Hypocritically Attacks Wolf

Aug 08, 2018

If 80% of life is showing up…

Harrisburg insider Scott Wagner criticized Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf today on opioids. While Wagner making nasty personal attacks against his opponents is nothing new, this was a particularly odd issue for him to try to claim some moral high ground.

Because when it was time for Wagner to do something to address the opioid crisis in the legislature, Wagner wasn’t there.  In 2016, Wagner missed key votes on four pieces of legislation aimed at tackling Pennsylvania’s opioid epidemic.

“Scott Wagner is a world-class hypocrite,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson.“Wagner should take a look in the mirror before he criticizes anyone else since he couldn’t even bother to show up to work to vote on addressing the opioid crisis. When Pennsylvania families needed him to do his job as a legislator and take action to combat the opioid epidemic, Scott Wagner apparently had other priorities.”


Among the votes Wagner missed:

  • Act 122: Wagner missed the final floor vote on House Bill 1699 (Act 122), which established limitation on the prescription of opioids in emergency rooms.
  • Act 124: Wagner missed a floor vote on concurring to House amendments on Senate Bill 1202 (Act 124), which amended the Commonwealth’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
  •  Act 125: Wagner missed a floor vote on concurring to house amendments on Senate Bill 1368 (Act 125), which established guidelines for prescribing opioid medications to minors.
  •  Act 126: Wagner missed a floor vote on concurring to house amendments on Senate Bill 1367 (Act 126), which addressed safe opioid prescription education and established voluntary non-opioid directives.

Published: Aug 8, 2018

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