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Thursday, Feb 1 2018

Scott Appoints Unqualified Flunky To Run Florida's Emergency Management 

Feb 01, 2018

“Rick Scott only looks out for himself and his cronies, giving well-paying taxpayer-funded jobs to unqualified political allies. Rick Scott’s decision to hire permanently a 29-year-old former campaign flunky irresponsible and dangerous,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “When disaster strikes, who wants this kid coming to their rescue?”

Politico Florida: Scott quietly appoints controversial choice to lead state emergency management
By Bruce Ritchie | January 31, 2018

  • “Gov Rick Scott has quietly appointed Wes Maul as state emergency management director after receiving criticism in September for the interim appointment.”
  • “Maul, 29, worked at the Division of Emergency Management and was a scheduling assistant to the governor from 2013-16, and prior to that worked at a mattress store in Gainesville.”
  • “Scott appointed Maul on Dec. 13 to be emergency management director, a position within the governor’s office that does not require Senate confirmation, said Lauren Schenone, a Scott spokeswoman. The position pays $140,000 a year.”
  • “‘Gov. Scott is confident that Director Maul will continue to keep Florida prepared in case of emergency,’ Schenone said.”
  • “She did not answer questions first posed Tuesday that included whether the position was advertised or whether anyone else was interviewed for the job.”

Read the full story here.

Published: Feb 1, 2018

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